Saturday, November 2, 2013

Having a Championship Mindset

Hello Everyone!

This morning I watched a video by Trent Shelton. He is part of a group called RehabTime. This video was so inspirational for me. It is a much watch....

Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to make it appear on the blog... So you'll need to click here to watch it

If for some reason, you can't watch the video, I typed it below... This is not everything in the video, but it is majority of it....

Championship Mindset: Trent Shelton

Keep moving forward and let nothing, and I mean nothing, hold you back.

Today's special. You know today, is the day that you become the new you. Today is the day that you become that champion. It's time that you stop feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing about it. Its time to stop doing the same old thing that have gotten you nowhere. It's time for you to stop using excuses to keep you at a place where you no you shouldn't be. Each and everyone of you watching this is great. Each and everyone of you is a champion, but you got to make that decision. There are 5 truths to being a champion. Whether it be Michael Jordan , Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, people who are champions in their field, profession. Its are 5 truths that each and every one of them have. And today, we are going to talk about them. You're going to develop that championship mindset. It's time to be brave.

1: Commitment: 

The first truth, to every champion. Every champion has something called commitment. Staying loyal to what you're going to do, long after you've said it. 

2: Discipline:

Every champion has a little something called discipline. Tattooing. That's permanent. Tattoo your purpose on your heart, so your actions are trainable before you. Every Champion gets good at saying no to the things that don't get them their yes. 

3: Consistency:

Every champion is consistent. We anchor our actions in greatness, so daily we produce nothing less than our very best. When you are consistent, you become reliable. And when you're reliable, you become trustworthy. And there is nothing better in this world than a trustworthy person, because when you are trustworthy, you are dependable. 

4: Faith:

Every champion has faith. Believe that the odds are beautiful, even when the odds say its impossible. You know, there is a guy named David. He fought that impossible Goliath. With us, we have a lot of Goliaths in our life. Whether it be people doubting us, whether it be statistics, whether it be our generational curses, whether it be genetics, whether it be where we are from or the environment. We have to David all of those things. Because God tells us that Faith will make us well, Faith is what makes dreams come true. Believing. You have to throw that blanket over that scoreboard of life. You have to keep playing, til your final seconds of life. 

5: Heart:

Every champion has heart. Finding the strength to keep going. Even when your mind, people, whatever, says you have nothing left. Do you keep pushing through those tears, you keep pushing through the pain, you keep pushing through that struggle, you keep pushing through that hurt, because your heart wont let you quit. Your heart wont let you find excuses, your heart makes you go until you reach that finish line in life. That's what you have to have pumping in your heart. Its not about talent, its not about money. It's about the person who wants it the most. You've got to want it so bad. You've got to want it so bad that it's hard for you to sleep at night, you've got to want it so bad that it wakes you up in the morning. You've got to want it so bad that conditions outside won't stop you. That people around you won't stop you. Even if it's just you by yourself. Thats how bad you have to want it. It has to be planted in your heart. When you talk about it, it should be hard for you to talk about your vision, goals and dreams, because you want it that bad. Every champion, has heart.

Wow... I don't know about you, but I needed to hear all of that. I am definitely going to print this off and keep it in my purse for the times when I am struggling.

This can be applied to any area of your life. Not just fitness, or eating healthy. It can be applied to school, work, marriage / relationships, life in general.

I hope that you have enjoyed this as much as I have.

Xo Danielle oX

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