Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Love.... Is an Action

My husband loves me. And I love him.

Recently, I watched an episode of the new TV show, the Goldburgs. Part of it was where the mom and dad got into a fight because she didn't hear him say "I love you" enough. He won her back by showing her a video of all the ways he showed her that he loved her. 

This episode really spoke to me. Matt says he loves me all the time. He is always asking "have I told you that I love you today?" (Me: yes) (Matt: okay good. I love you with all my heart) 

Sometimes I really need to hear it. But now I want to see it. 

I'm going to list all the ways he shows me that he loves me. 

Well, maybe not all the ways, the list would be forever long. 

How I know my husband loves me, actions only: 

-He will wake up with me at 6 AM to go on a walk (or run) with me... Even when he's really tired. 

-On those runs, he will run painfully slow, to keep up with me. Yes, I said that right. I run extremely slow. 

-He knows that if he says "don't smile", it'll make me smile. 

-He can tell when I need a hug. And even if I don't want a hug, he'll do whatever to make it better. 

-He will notice when I'm stressing out, having an anxiety attack, or getting upset & will rub the back of my neck to calm me down. 

-I fall asleep, pretty much religiously, at 9:00 pm. He will make sure I have a pillow and blanket to be comfortable. 

-He pops my toes. 

-He lets me pop his toes. 

-If I go to bed (instead of falling asleep on the couch) and he isn't even close to being tired, he will still come and lay down with me until I fall asleep. 

-When I've had a bad day, he will rub my back. 

-We have an agreement. Whoever cooks does not set the table or do dishes. He knows that if I'm not cooking, it's because I've had a hard day... He'll do dishes for me. 

Alrighty, there is a list of ways that I know my husband loves me, based on actions. 

Xo Danielle oX 

A little bit more about... Me.

Hello again! 

I'm pretty sure that I'll never again do 2 post in one day. 

I can't even guarantee that I'll do 2 post a week....

But...  I'm on vacation. 

So here goes. 

I figured that I should probably tell you a couple of more thing about me, otherwise, you may misunderstand some things that I will one day say. 

I am brutally honest. I don't sugarcoat things. It's a waste of time. Of mine and yours. 

Some people have told me that I am very "dry". Some have said I'm a bitch. Some have said "thank you for not wasting my time". 

It doesn't really matter what people say. It doesn't change the fact that sugarcoating things is a waste of time. 

I hate time wasting. 

Another thing about me. I try to be open to other people and their beliefs. I won't push mine onto you, and I would prefer if you don't push yours onto me. 

I love debate. I also love shaking hands at the end of a debate. 

We are all equals. We are all humans. 

Xo Danielle oX 

 P/s: my goal is to do at least 1
Post a week. At least to start. ;-) 

A Little About Me

Hello! My name is Danielle. Here are some facts about me:

I am currently 24 and happily married to my husband, Matt. We have been married for just over 3 years. I love every moment of it.  We have 2 dogs and 1 cat. They are our babies. Our dogs names are Paige and Maxx. Paige is the black dog, shown above, she didn't really enjoy the pictures that day. Maxx is the brown dog that you see next to my husband. He has a ton of energy! Our cat is Abbie... She's pretty sassy. 

I have graduated college, I have an associates degree in paralegal studies. While I am not currently in the legal field, I love having this degree. It taught me a lot.

The best things I learned while in college:
    My rights as an American Texan. 
    How to research things for myself. 
    How to get things done when no one else can step up. 

Not necessarily about the law, but they are all vital things to know about!

Anywho... Onto more important things. :-)

I am at a point in my life where my marriage is the main priority.  A couple of years ago, this would have been different, sadly. While I wasn't trying to sabotage my marriage, I thought that I could keep hanging around all of my same friends- the ones that are single, drink & club all weekend. I'm not sure when my views changed on this, but I realized that while I wasn't drinking and clubbing all night and weekend, well... It's best said like this: “If you hang out with chickens, you're going to cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly.” (Steve Maraboli). 

Now, I am not saying that as a married woman I can't have friends that are single. Or drink. Or club even. 

This is what I am saying though: I can not have friends who are going to constantly attempt to come between my husband and I, after being told no. 

I am still trying to figure out what all of that means, but I think I have a pretty good set of friends at the current time. They all mean the world to me, I hope I mean the world to them! :) 

Now... What is this blog going to be about? 

That's a good question. It's one I've been asking for a while! That's part of the reason that I'm just now starting this thing.. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I don't really have a "niche" yet. At first, it will be about everything and anything. My journey to weight loss, my journey to find my "religion", anything DIY that I do (if ever), recipes that we enjoy, cooking, etc... 

By the way, I LOVE to BBQ. Smoking (on a grill) is amazing to me. I want to start doing competitions.... Yes, I am THAT good. :-) More on that later though! 

Anywho, that is enough for now.


xo Danielle xo